Cigars Tampa City is famously known for the authentic cuban cigars that includes an elite experience for both educational and recreational occasions. This packages involve knowledgable host to navigate your guests through the levels of the cigar lifestyle and includes:
- Two-hour demonstration of a Cuban artisan handcrafting the best U.S.A handmade cigars.
- One Cuban Master Cigar roller to cut and light up cigars for your guests.
- During the demonstration the Cigar host will explain the steps one-by-one as they hand-roll the best Tampa Cigars.
- Cutting and lighting cigars at your guests’ request.
- Plus 40 Don Moreno Connecticut 6 ½ x 42.
- Extra Cigars: Need to be paid in advance.
- All Cuban seed – we offer a blend of Nicaraguan & Dominican tobaccos.
- Wrapper options: Connecticut / Habano / Brazilian & San Andres / Maduro.